This site is not affiliated with Databazaar.


Databazaar Complaints

Have you had problems with Databazaar? If so, enter your complaint here.

This site is not affiliated with Databazaar and will not be able to resolve your problem, but at least you can warn others about your bad experience with Databazaar.


Unknown said...

I odered a HP compatible color cartidge the other day. I chose it from databazaar's website under the category of HP 6210 color cartridge.
I received a BLACK cartridge in the mail. When I complained, David, the president of Databazaar said that BLACK WAS A COLOR. He sounded like he was 19 with a kindergarten education.
He was a jerk and said it was my fault for choosing the wrong cartidge.
Fortunately there is lots of competition out there.

Anonymous said...

I ordered very expensive Laser Toner for my printer in advance of needing it. I ordered all 4 BMYC. When the time came to use them (2 months later) one of the cartidges was defective. I contacted Databazaar and was told that there was nothing they could do. DO NOT ORDER FROM THEM. Customer service sounds like it is from the Phillipines. They took forever to answer. They want you to leave a message and they are not polite at all. When I told them that I had just installed them and they could have it back to see that it hadn't been used hardly at all...they didn't care and said not to order in advance again. I asked what if I wanted to keep stock on these items so as not to run out unexpectedly and the woman said too bad I can not help you.

I will NEVER buy from them again and suggest that you do not either.